Friday, 5 March 2010

Multi Media Explanation

An important aspect of this production is multimedia. Each director is in charge of designing and creating a multimedia aspect such as a video, projection, sound etc. to complement his/her sin. For Pride, I did a projection including still images and moving animation. 

My overall aim for the projection was to clarify and emphasize important points regarding the meaning behind each movement the actors make as well as to broaden the audience’s perception about pride. I also hope the projection will add a sense of excitement and help to provoke emotions within the audience. To put together a powerful projection I used Keynote, particle illusion and Quartz composer. Particle illusion and Quartz composer helped me to create certain animations that I wished to have, on Keynote I added still images and put together the final product.

Below is a breakdown of all the images and animation I’m showing along with the meaning and aim behind them. 

The projection starts with a few simple words "I CAN. I WILL. IT IS ALL ABOUT. ME." These will be projected onto the back while the actors are entering in a movement called the “Diva walk”. The words projected shows what the actors are thinking and what they most likely would say. They are there to help clarify the feelings they actors are trying to show to the audience. 

The next two images both help to show the self-obsessed part of pride. They will also be shown during the entrance, “Diva walk”.

 I especially favor this picture on the right side, as it portrays several parts of pride. Firstly, it obviously shows the self loving and self-obsessed part of pride as she is touching he

rself. Furthermore, a peacock feather, which is the symbol for pride, is painted onto her chest. I believe this really makes the picture, as without it, the picture looks almost only sexual, with no deeper meaning behind it. The symbolism with the peacock feather adds a deeper layer of meaning to the picture. Furthermore, the woman is posing for the camera with very limited clothing, which shows that she is most likely proud of her body.

This picture shows what the words looks like. They are written in a simple, clear and bold way to make it easier for the audience. I want to keep the words simple in order to not draw too much attention from the movements, costumes and make up. Once again, these words’ -WATCH ME GO- function is the same as the previous ones- to help clarify what the feelings of the characters on stage. 

In order for the audience to hopefully further understand what the peacock has to do with pride, I choose to repeat the symbol. This image shows a woman’s face that’s half covered behind a peacock. I believe it shows how when you sin, the sin takes over and labels your body and soul as sinful according to christianity. In other words, if one commits a sin, and doesn’t repent it, God looks upon him/her as a sinner. 

The next images are to compensate for the bowl of water that I planned to use as a prop but couldn’t (see “Pride- changes along the way” for further explanation of this). Instead, I used a shiny cloth. The water is there to help convey that the cloth is acting as water, and what the characters are seeing and falling in love with is indeed their own reflection. 

This moving animation has the same message as the water pictures. I really like the colours of it, and I think it casts a nice almost mesmerizing light on the stage. Furthermore, the water droplets and rings helps to create the feeling of mesmerization, as it is a very repetitive, symmetrical and almost hallucinative. 

Finally, I choose to finish my scene with this picture. It clearly shows narcism as it is a picture of a person kissing her own reflection, with the word narcissistic below her face. I believe it’s a appropriate conclusion to the scene as it shows one of the key message I am trying to convey- narcism, in a clear and effective way.  

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